I was at the local greenhouse last spring shopping for my outdoor plants. Budget is always a consideration so I take my time, buying a few plants here and there. On this day I had quite a few plants. I always read the plant label about sun, shade, water, size to make sure we’re compatible. LOL. Two of the plants I chose did not have this label but I loved them so I decided to buy them anyway. While paying at the register the woman behind the counter said, “You are just going to love this Tropical Milkweed!”
Let me give you a little background information first. When I meditate I lay down on my couch with a blanket and EarPods and close my eyes. I find a guided meditation on YouTube for the amount of time I have available. I like to try different ones too, there are so many to choose from. For me it is less distracting to follow the guided meditation. There are different types of meditation practices, some people just listen to instrumental music. When I am in meditation I see pictures, colors, words, numbers, faces, movement. There are times when I sense a particular emotion or physical feeling or vibration that connects to these images. Sometimes I hear things and I have even smelled things! Once I finish the meditation, I write everything down as detailed as possible. You will be surprised to find that later meditations will add on to earlier meditations like a missing puzzle piece.
My experience may not be your experience and that’s okay. What is important to know here is that your meditation will be your own unique experience. We all see and understand things differently. You will receive in a way that is best for your understanding. There are times when what you are given is so subtle that if you aren’t paying attention, you’ll miss it! Sometimes you might think you are making things up but if you weren’t thinking about it before, this is a message for you. I promise you that when you take the time for meditation whatever chatter keeps distracting you will still be there for you when you finish. Acknowledge the distracting thoughts and set them aside for later. There are also times when there simply is no message and that’s perfectly normal. What matters is that you keep showing up and when that happens you will see and feel the rewards!
Back to the milkweed now. Milkweed came to me through meditation a couple months after I started my practice. This isn’t as simple as it sounds though. Here is the information I received in this meditation; Water has a frequency like FM radio waves. I saw a silver spoon and something that looked like a woven net. Gallactic butterfly, pure love, feed butterflies and a design of circles lined up biggest to smallest coming to a point. Sounds crazy, I know!
Some information you receive is just that, information. I think of it as laying the ground work for understanding for future messages. Other things are symbolic and carry a message for you. This is when I go into detective mode. I search the internet for what I saw in the meditation including the term dream meaning or spiritual meaning in the search. If I saw a number then I look up angel numbers. While reading through the results it is important to recognize what resonates with you most in choosing that information. In other words, trust your gut.
The information in the particular meditation I mentioned above led me to milkweed. I’ve also seen it in many meditations since then. So, let’s get back to the milkweed plants. I planted them in my front yard on both sides of my driveway. They grew fast. One day I noticed a Monarch Butterfly on the blooms. The flower has five yellow petals on the inside and five orange petals on the outside. Then I noticed the caterpillars on the plants. The caterpillars have five stages of growth too. Milkweed is the only plant these caterpillars feed on. The caterpillars grew fast then went to other plants for their chrysalis stage, these green pods with golden dots on them are beautiful. Once the butterfly emerges it will reach maturity in five days and live for two to five weeks. Inside the milkweed pods are very fine white fibers with a seed on the end. They are so light and soft and just fascinating. This plant also attracts Oleander Aphids, they are bright yellow mites. Once they showed up I had an aha moment that answered a question I had in the back of my mind for several years. I wondered how a particular insect finds the only plant it feeds on. It’s not on the plant when you buy it. It only comes when the plant has grown and matured. The answer is frequency, like the fm radio waves. Everything has its own vibrational frequency, even you and me. This simple milkweed plant brought joy, awe and inspiration into my life. Truly a gift that I will always treasure.