You long for the hand to hold. The guiding hand on your back. The innocence, the trust. Love and acceptance.
We are still here for you child. We have always been here. We have watched you grow. We have seen your joys, your sorrows. We have seen your struggles, your triumphs. We see you.
We delight in you. Every leap, every stumble. Every evolution that has brought you here, every season has created a glorious landscape for which we love to gaze upon. You, in your entirety. You glorious you.
There is no one else that compares. Uniquely you. Enjoy your differences. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Two eyes, nose, mouth, ears, cheeks, chin. Is this not the same for everyone?
Each one of us as different as the snowflake falling to the Earth. One single ice crystal. Ice becomes water. Water becomes unity and connection, flow. We see you child. We love you child.
We are here for the asking. Ask for guidance, for support. We will be there, look, listen. The signs are there. Are you seeing white feathers everywhere? Butterflies, the same birds over and over again? The penny on the ground, so many. The same sequence of numbers seen over and over again. The song that makes you happy or lends reflection of the heart. The person that you just saw that looks like a loved one. The signs are there, all in a unique way, all sent just for you.
Believe it, it’s our message of love, connection and support. Lean into this oneness. Unclench your jaw, drop those shoulders, unfurrow your brow. You are loved child.
You are supported by more than you can imagine. Your ease is our ease. Your hard is our hard. We’ve got you. Feel our hand at your back, the hand that has always been there.
Settle in, relax. Allow for the release of what brings you struggle, anxiety, pain. Let it go. Surrender. Take our hand child. Take the hand that has always been here for you child.
Channeled message from Unity Consciousness; Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Angels.