There are times when a full surrender is necessary. Give in to the emotions, feel what you need to feel. Sit in it. Bathe in it. Take it all in, let it all out. Grief comes in many forms, some are not easily recognized for what they are.
The death. The break-up. The job loss. The diagnosis. The separation from your life as you know it is a loss.
You must address this pain. Feel into it. Have some compassion, some kindness, some allowance for your time of healing.
Something begins to happen when you give into the surrender. You allow yourself to touch the hot poker again and again. The first moments out of the fire are pure torment, they tear at your heart and very core. The next time you touch this poker it will not be quite as hot and so on and so on.
This will, in time bring you a different kind of peace. There will be a new depth of understanding that was not there before.
Though unwanted, this experience has made you stronger. This experience has acknowledged that you are far stronger than you gave yourself credit for. This experience has proven to you that you can bend without breaking.
Grief is an energy that must be allowed to flow. To block grief is to build a dam that will never be strong enough to hold.
Little by little we grieve, so little by little we can heal. Little by little.
Channeled message from Willow Birch, the life giver. Willow comes from the Powhatan people of the Northeastern Woodlands of Virginia. You know the area as Jamestown, VA and will remember the most famous of the Powhatan people, Pocahontas. Willow and her people knew unimaginable loss, so much was taken from her people. From 1622 and 1644 the English colonists almost eliminated the Powhatan confederacy not just by warfare but also infectious disease. At least 75 percent of the Powhatan people died from diseases such as measles and smallpox. Willow said that, “Pain often gives way to purpose.” I asked her what that was. She said, “Love. Unity. To create a community of oneness for those that lost so much. Sometimes it helps to heal when you share your experiences with others who carry the same wound.”