The shifting heart runneth Over

There is nothing more powerful than love. Hatred, fear, loathing when given the chance, cower before love. This divine essence that is embedded in your DNA. This powerful, deeply entrenched emotion that can bring euphoria at once then bring one to their knees in the very next breath. Such power is this love. Honor, cherish this love, this gift.


Remove those bindings, the layers of linen that have guarded your heart. Let them fall away. Give love to the smallest of the small. Admire, register the miracle of each life, each moment. Breathe it in. Allow this breath time to waft in all that is before you.


You do not like this view? Give this too the appreciation for the contrast that is motivating you to higher planes. Hand to heart. There is energy to this simple connection. Heart to heart, even more moving when two become one. Why deny yourself any longer? Open your heart. Allow love to flow, to break the barriers, to runneth over.




Channeled message from John the Baptist.

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