The Heart Remembers Why

Brain, heart cohesion. Of the same mind. Don’t see it? Don’t understand? There is a reason you cannot see clearly. Your mind has taken over your heart.


This bossy, overbearing mind is pushy and hard to control. Remember Nellie on Little House on the Prairie or Veruka on Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Yep. Pushy and spoiled, only thinking of themselves.


Our minds too, at times need reprimanded. Put in it’s place. Time to move into the backseat now, the heart is ready to drive. Let your heart be front and center. Turn those headlights on so you can see clearly. Are there obstacles blocking the road? Remove them so you can move forward and continue on.


Your heart knows you. Your heart is your fuel for living. Is this tank empty or full? Allowance fills this tank. Allow others to love you. Allow yourself to love. People, animals, nature all need love, kindness, compassion. You need love, kindness, compassion.


Your mind is the reel, it sometimes plays things over and over again in an unrelenting loop. Your heart is the projector. Your heart is able to change the story, rewrite the script. Your heart center is your joy, your connection, your purpose.


You were created to live a life in contrast. You were created to find a heart and mind balance. Peace, harmony, well-being. These are your why’s. There is nothing to overthink here, in fact, think less and feel more. Feel gratitude right where you are, feel into this moment. Sit with it, honor what has brought you here to where you are now.


Your mind can only take you so far. It is your heart that moves mountains. The passionate heart is a creative force. May the force be with you.


Channeled message from Carrie Fisher. The end of our conversation, I thanked her and said, ‘Namaste’. Carrie responded with, ‘Namaste Mother Fuckers!’ LOL!

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