The Grand Life

Ever so secure. Emboldened. When you reach this pinnacle there will always be those in opposition. What to do? Keep yourself small to appease the masses? Remain the soldier ant, the worker bee? If that is what you desire, stay. Stay right where you are.


If you are not content with where you are in this life, change it. Remove the bulb that has lost its brightness. It has been useful has it not, it is now time. Discard the old. Out with the spent, the lifeless. In with the new, the energetic.


Shine. Shine for all to see. Do not dim yourself for others, they are on their own path as well. Allow others the opportunity to see this light in you. Show kindness, show compassion, love.


Live the big life. Experience all that brings you joy and fulfillment. Your life is yours to create, yours to invent.




Channeled message from Thomas Edison.

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