It is by no mistake that those you allow closest to you are limited in number. Quality over quantity rules the day. Your heart is to be treasured and protected as such.
Do not allow those who would tread over you allowed access. Do not allow desperation to cloud your view of another’s character. Observe, take note, their true intentions will be revealed.
Look outside of situations, see others at face value. Many are simply not on your level. Allow this disparity with a sense of aloofness.
On the flipside though, that is where you find the ones rightly meant for you. One, two, maybe more. These friends are worth their weight in gold. Thick, thin. Upside, downside. Slanted and crossways, when you find this in a friendship it is priceless.
Every person, every lesson, comes to you as it should. Allow yourself grace in gratitude for all that has come before and all that is to come.
Channeled message from General Ben Atcroft, a Torie.