The Eagle and The Duck

Let me tell you a story. There once lived a little duck named Sam. Sam always wanted to be an eagle. Eagles are majestic and proud. Eagles soar high in the sky. Being a duck just seemed so boring in comparison, quacked the duck.


Eagles are beautiful and brilliant, quacked the duck. Why can’t I be an eagle, quacked the duck. Quack, quack, quack, always quacking Sam was. It just didn’t seem right or even fair. Why can’t I be an eagle?! I want to be an eagle!! Sam said exacerbated.


Sam was just fed up and overwhelmed. He tucked his head in under his wing, closed his eyes and went to sleep.


The spirit of the eagle visited Sam. He said, Sam, you really are a silly duck. You have spent all this time complaining, trying to be to be something you are not. You have forgotten how unique and special you truly are. We are all one with the eagle. You too were made to soar and spread your wings.


Channeled message from Abraham Lincoln.



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