The Answer

What is love? This age old question. Love is ethereal. This ether can penetrate the thickest of barriers. This ether has the ability to uplift and make one feel as light as air. This ether also has the capability of grounding your very core of being into the Earth.


The diamond that has been polished, faceted to sparkle and shine represents this air and earth element. This is balance. Love reciprocated is balance. Love reciprocated is beauty and creation, well-being.


This invisible ether has an energy, a frequency. This invisible ether can be seen on one’s face, in their eyes. This invisible ether can be felt in your heart, body and soul. This invisible ether gives us purpose. This invisible ether is our guide to kindness, love and compassion. The ether that is love is home. This ether is action. This ether is of the heart.


We must raise each other up. Love the seemingly unloveable. Darkness, desperation and despair have a low frequency. Light and love have the power to breakthrough those walls. The higher frequency will always trump the lower ones and raise them up.


Let your heart be your diamond. Let this diamond shine and sparkle for all to see. You might just be the single ray of light for someone in need of uplifting. Give into this powerful, unseen force for the return is great.




Channeled message from The Council of Women.

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