

Good Morning! ‘A good morning it is!’   What do I need to know today Thomas? ‘Pivoting. Changing your point of view, a new perspective. Don’t get bogged down in the details, it either works or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, change course. Why waste time and energy with endless debate?’   ‘Life is fluid, […]

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

The Hive Mind

‘A collective. A consensus. Groupthink. Connection in Union. Disagreements? Maybe a few here and there that usually find resolution.’   With whom am I speaking please? ‘Stephen Charles Decatur, Jr.’   ‘A healthy hive is protected from outside predators. The bees come and go, each bee has a role to play to support each other and

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Universal Wisdom, ,

A conversation with Michelangelo

‘There is beauty in all things, big and small. Take time to revel in this beauty. The beauty you bestow on those in your path. Take this beauty to heart. Share this beauty for all to see and feel. Transform their landscapes, remove the rubble.’   Thank you. You are an amazing artist. I did

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