
The winning Hand

Almost there, one more card to be dealt. What will it be? A king, a jack, a wild two? Oh, the suspense. Will it even fit in my hand? I’ve wagered, my ante is in. Why is the dealer taking so long? Come on already.   Why in such a hurry, what’s the rush? Enjoy […]

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Universal Wisdom, , ,


The taking in, the letting go. The good, the bad. The sour, the sweet. The balanced, the unbalanced. Take in what most serves you. Let go of what does not.   Breathe   Live in balance. Live in simplicity. Live in appreciation. Live in gratitude.   Breathe   Create. Explore. Give yourself room to wander.

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Ashes to Ashes

One foot long sub sandwich, cut in half. Each half wrapped seperately.   Burned flower petals. The ashes are all the same.   Death, cemetery, headstone. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.   Oneness.   As it is, it shall always be. Connected oneness. It is quite simple but many fail to see, choose not

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