
Janis Joplin

Janis, You look so happy in your pictures but there seems to be an undercurrent of sadness. Is there anything you would like to share? ‘I should have had more time.’   You died so young. Twenty seven, and so much to live for. What happened? ‘I was high as a mother fucker, that’s what […]

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Universal Wisdom, , ,

Bring on the Blessings

Bring on the blessings. Bring the flow. Bring me abundance. Bring me peace, tranquility. Bring me back to me. The me that smiled. The me that laughed. Me. I’ve missed you.   The lights set low. The solitude. The numbness. The retreat. All have served a purpose. It is but a season. As seasons do,

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,


The path to forgiveness for some is easy. For some it is a perilous journey filled with twists and turns; jagged edges. Thick, sharp thorns. Some wounds of the heart land deep. Take up residence. These wounds become part of ones identity. They become an odd attachment that weighs heavy, gives a false sense of

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Universal Wisdom, ,