Benjamin Franklin


Every perceived wrong or right is a lesson in perception. What lays behind, over and underneath one’s actions? There are simple, straightforward ones then there are those that are layered. Pure intentionality is easy to recognize. This is at times the eye for an eye. Or, perhaps a kindness was extended to you so you […]

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Universal Wisdom, , ,

By Choice

Choices, so many to choose from. One gets overwhelmed from time to time when given too many options. These options present themselves in many areas of our lives. Curtains, hundreds and thousands of them to choose from. Shoes, well you know that one!   Everything from the simply mundane to the complex, life changing choices

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

Benjamin Franklin’s Earthy Mushrooms

I am very interested to hear about mushrooms. How do they tie into the lives we lead today? ‘I’m glad you asked. (‘Said’ tongue-in-cheek.)   I’m ready. (Smiling.) ‘Mushrooms’. (Said like Billy Crystal in the Princess Bride.)   Very funny! Who is telling this very important story today? ‘Benjamin Franklin, at your service.’ (He bows.)

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Universal Wisdom, ,