
Charles de Gaulle, I have a Question.

You had an attempted assassination six months before JFK. Who was responsible for this? ‘The French Gestapo, drug cartel.’   Why did they want to kill you? ‘Power, money. I could not be bought and controlled. I did not look the other way.’   Would you have made the same decision given the chance? ‘I […]

Charles de Gaulle, I have a Question. Read More »

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The Grassy Knoll

Sonny, last name starts with an A, sharpshooter, assassin of JFK, where were you when you shot the President? ‘It is known where I was.’   The grassy knoll then? ‘Yes.’   What is your last name? ‘Anatoli.’   Who hired You? ‘I basically worked for the mob but moonlighted on the side.’   Who

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Lee Harvey Oswald

Why did you shoot JFK? (No answer.)   ‘I am here.’   When did you decide to assassinate President Kennedy? (No answer.)   What pushed you towards this? ‘I was a member of a secret society and the only one with enough balls to put action to the words.’   What was this group called?

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,