Abraham Lincoln

Abe, I have a question.

A friend of mine researched and wrote a paper on your life and career that tarnished his opinion of you. I would like to give you the opportunity to be heard. ‘All that he wrote on was truth. However, not all truths are black and white. I have high esteem for another’s opinion when merited. […]

Abe, I have a question. Read More »

Uncategorized, Universal Wisdom, , ,

Expectations of Realization

You must know by now that your expectations are not met equally by most others you meet. Why this disparity? This discourse? How hard is it?   This contrast is more useful to you than you recognize. When you find others equally matched to your resolve, you value this. You build relationships on this shared

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Universal Wisdom, , ,

By Choice

Choices, so many to choose from. One gets overwhelmed from time to time when given too many options. These options present themselves in many areas of our lives. Curtains, hundreds and thousands of them to choose from. Shoes, well you know that one!   Everything from the simply mundane to the complex, life changing choices

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,