Tender nuances, little itty-bitty nuggets thrown in for good measure. You must follow along. Keep your head in the game if you are to pick them up, take notice. They are not upfront, not front and center. They are not supposed to be.
Watch a movie a second and third time, you will notice some of these behind the scenes pearls previously hidden in plain sight.
Read a good book more than once and the same is true. This is also at play in all of your relationships. Whether it be the brief encounter, the co-worker, friends, family or lovers, there is always this nonverbal conveyance present.
Isn’t it interesting? We do it all the time without realizing it. Those 550,000 thoughts moving through your head like a freight train keep you moving, moving, moving.
Pull the lever, change the track. Bring that train into the depot and lighten the load.
Simplify. Write a to-do list then pick your top two. Give yourself the opportunity to slow your pace, settle yourself.
It is when you give in, declutter your mind that you allow yourself to take notice of these subtleties that surround you. It’s fun, like an aha moment. The, oh, I get it, I see it moment.
Don’t think you are exempt from this game either. You give off these little, subtle vibes yourself.
Slow down, take your foot off of the accelerator. Coast for awhile. Give yourself permission to unfurl that knotted mess in your head. Read that book you loved again. Watch the movie you most think about again. Take yourself out to lunch.
Give into the smile that graces your lips when you see what you have always been meant to see.
Channeled message from Bertram Reynolds from Surrey, England. I asked Bertram to tell me about himself…”Well, firstly. Yes, in answer to your thought, yes, I do love my name, Bertram. Sounds like a train name doesn’t it. See, there was your subtle hint.” I said, You were a train conductor? He said, “Yes!”