‘The misfit. The odd one out. Always inside the shadows. It hurts. Why is it like that? Why me. I never hurt anyone, challenged anyone or even willingly engaged.’
‘I am Will. Wilhelm Beckley.’
Why did you not feel like you could participate Will? ‘I didn’t want to get hurt. People can be so cruel.’
Was someone in your family cruel to you? ‘My father, my brothers. I was a sickly child. There was no love, for their worth was in the doing. Look at what I can do; do you know who I am.’
Did you get the love of your mother? ‘Yes, and my sisters. They protected me.’
Did their protection shield you too much, maybe keeping you in fear of others? ‘Yes, but I dearly love them.’
Sometimes we have to learn to love ourselves more. ‘I did not do that at the time. I was only too content to be their precious puppy.’
I’m sure they only meant well. It did not serve you though. They did not allow you to grow and evolve. You did not allow yourself the opportunity for this growth at the time. Did you find this growth when you grew older? ‘My sister, Mary, died in childbirth. The new baby became their new pet. That is when my blinders were removed.’
How old were you then? ‘Sixteen. I asked to go away to school. That was my opportunity. I had a clean slate, no one knew me. I jumped in feet first. I forced myself to engage. I forced a smile on my face until one day it wasn’t forced anymore. It’s like I had to fight to surrender. The climb, though not easy, gave me my purpose. That’s what was missing the most. I felt invisible because I did not want to be seen. Once I shifted my perspective and began to understand that I have dominion over my life, that is when I found myself. To have, to hold, to honor, to cherish is really the love story to ourselves. To thine own self be true. Put simply, you must love yourself to be able to love others.’
What are you most proud of in this lifetime? ‘My integrity, my honor. I never made another feel unworthy. I led with the conviction of kindness, Which is, which also became a strange oddity in a different direction. It was definitely not the norm of the time.’
What time period was this? Where? ‘Bath, England 1790’s-1800’s.’
Thank you, did you marry and have a family? ‘Oh, yes! My Miriam. The most wonderful, kindest, endearing person I have ever met. What a life we shared. Our blessings were many. I served as a Constable.’
The smiling Constable? ‘Most assuredly!’
Is there anything else you wish to share Will? ‘Step out of the shadows. Let yourself be seen and allow yourself to see your worth.’
Channeled ancestral message.