Are we alone in the universe? One is never alone. Has never been alone. The universe is the same. The tiny, minute scope of what you see is but a period at the end of your sentence. There are many planets, many stations, many lives all existing, every expanding simultaneously.
Is there something bigger than the universe? The Omniverse. Think of it as a nucleus. A center hub and spoke system. Your universe is your spoke, one of many. All connected. All energetically feeding each other.
What is in between the spokes? The field.
What is the field? A force that keeps everything in place, in balance.
This is the God force? Yes. The all knowing, omnipotent God force.
Is man on earth special or are we a product of evolution? There is always evolution but not in the way you were taught. The evolution, the cycles are DNA-based. Take away DNA and the human is simple and evolves slowly. The most advanced humans have had their DNA upgraded. Once the civilization peaks and learns no more the cycle is reset and begins again.
How many cycles or times has this run its course on earth? Three.
Are we in this third cycle? Yes.
What is the goal for us in this third cycle? To remain connected in love, kindness and compassion. Do not let technology take away the very essence of being human. There must be balance to sustain positive growth and expansion.
A channeled message from the Pleiadian Council.