Perceived Perception

Perceived perception, the belief of what you allow yourself to see in validation of what you believe is truth. There are others that will share in these beliefs and still others that will not. What you see in truth for yourself is true. What does it matter if another has their own truth? Their life is their own as is yours.


Celebrate this diversity, respect your differences. Allow grace to flow from within. Judge not lest ye be judged. Do you know what this means? I do. When you allow yourself to attach a label to someone or something else. When you allow yourself to think someone or something else is beneath you or less than because of your own perceived truths, you are making a judgment.


Why does your truth have to be their truth? If you are capable of your truth, are they not capable of having theirs? This judgment we place on others is in truth a reflection of and in ourselves. Fill this judgment with love, acceptance and compassion. Understand that we all are here to learn and grow from each other. Contrast, individuality, conflict are our learning tools.


Accept that we all have our own path to follow. We all have free will and dominion over ourselves. Share your beliefs if compelled to do so but do not persuade, coerce or force others to believe as you believe. Maybe your words alone will plant a seed, ignite a spark in others, maybe not. It is of no matter. Is it not a relief to unburden yourself of this responsibility? Live in and from your heart. Allow kindness to rule the day. Appreciate the small nuances of each day. Clear your vision to see what is useful and what is not.



Channeled Guidance from Margaret Thatcher.

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