Overcrowded, chaotic disorganization, overwhelmed. You are not alone in this struggle. Whether it be of the mind, your surroundings or both. Stop the merry-go-round you are on. Step off. Let your head and body settle themselves.
If this is not what you desire, then it is time to change. Allow a new season to present itself, leaf by falling leaf. Look about yourself, what do you see? What do you feel? How do you want to feel? Anything that does not allow you this feeling you desire, simply let it go. Whether it be a mental or physical release is up to you.
This overcrowding has not served you. This overwhelm has kept you circling around and around in one place. This chaos has kept your heart closed. How can you freely give of yourself when you are simply existing? Step off. It is time. Step off.
Set your intensions now, write it down. Spend time alone. Even five or ten minutes in quiet reflection will settle your mind. You can’t? No Matter. Do it anyway. When a thought comes to mind, notice it. Thank it and save it for later. It will be there for you when you are done.
There will be many thoughts intruding when you begin. Keep at it and one day you will notice this strange thing called quiet. This quiet will begin to be your place to reset, to calm yourself, to recenter. Seasons change. Seasons come and go. Make the most of it. Make the seasons of your life a reflection of all you desire it to be.
Channeled message from Alexander Hamilton. Alexander was one of our Founding Fathers and served as the 1st Secretary of the United States Treasury under President George Washington. He died at age 47 in a dual with Aaron Burr.