Love is not Lost


What happens when our beloved pets die?

Our pets are on a soul journey, a path to higher ascension. You are connected to them before you are even born. Your souls are bound. They teach us about love and compassion, understanding of the deepest level. The pain we feel when they are gone is valuable. This pain allows us to grow through our grief, allows us to truly know what a gift love is. Love is ascension. Love is life. For what are we if there is none?


Will we be with our pets again?


Yes, yes and yes. You have and always will be joined together. You share a soul contract.


What are we supposed to do when we suffer their loss? It’s overwhelmingly sad.


Reminisce, it is then that their spirit will comfort you. The love is not lost. This love when shared heals our hearts. Love when shared allows us to grow in love more and more. We all need love, who does not? Follow the path your heart leads you to, for that is where you have chosen to be.


I did not want to lose my pet. I did not want to be heartbroken.


Love is never lost. The greater the pain the greater the love. What a gift you have been given to know such love.

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