Inspiration, like the leaves fallen from the trees, come in many forms. The wind carries these leaves, up, down, left, right. Some leaves travel. Some stay right where they are.
The leaf will always remain the leaf but what will change is the leaf’s perspective. The newly fallen leaf might join the leaf that has fallen a time before and be content to commune with the earth.
Another might go to the water to sink to the bottom gaining a different experience. Still, there are those that stay with the wind, never content to settle in.
There are even leaves that hold on for dear life, fearing the fall. You see the difference, those leaves shrivel up and are forced out by new growth. The leaves that choose to fall keep their shape, their integrity.
Don’t be so fast to squash that idea or inclination that pops into your head. So many, out of habit, in a knee jerk reaction always say no to everything. Why deny yourself a new experience, a new venture? Why put yourself under your own thumb?
Lighten up, let the wind carry you. Give yourself permission. Don’t be so quick to give your power away. You have authority over your own life, use it. Go. Do. Be free.
Try new things. Go new places. Meet people. Expand your boundaries, be inspired.
Channeled message from Leaf Dancer. He is from the Mi’kmaq Tribe of Nova Scotia. The Mi’kmaq are the original Inhabitants of Nova Scotia and today are located in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Newfoundland, Maine and the Boston area. In the 2021 census, claimed ancestry was at 70,640 people. Leaf Dancer said, “I was never one to sit still, there was always someone to meet and somewhere to explore. Why stay in one place with everything the same everyday?”