We stomach our pain only to redigest it over and over again. All of the painful parts, bit by bit, it builds and builds until the pit is filled to the rim. If not properly digested this becomes rot that leads to dis ease. This is serious. This dis ease can be the death of you.
You can unpack this discomfort one by one. Peel the layers of onion, if you will. Or, you can fill the pot and boil it all down at once, your choice.
Speak of these transgressions that you cling to. Honor the lesson in the experience then find your forgiveness. Recognize your strength in the release.
To be free in spirit is to have a healthy mind, body, spirit balance. Letting go of what is not useful, what no longer serves you is key. Cut away the toxic density you have been hoarding, let it go.
Don’t settle for the bits when you could have prime roast instead. Honor your peace.
When affronted with conflict, say, thanks for sharing and move around it. Fill your head with uplifting music, a positive book or podcast. Take a bath, a walk, do what you need to do to keep your peace.
Let those nasty bits fall away for they are not yours to carry anymore.
Channeled message from Ethel. I felt her energy before, she has a connection to Marie Antoinette, the last Queen of France who was beheaded. I have a message posted from Marie Antoinette posted on my blog called Sanctified Unity, it’s good, you should read it. At 4am, I heard the words Hog maw, then again at 6am and I was finally available for the message at 7:30am. I apologized for not being ready and she said it was ok, she always waits. Her mother worked in the kitchen at Versailles and died young. King Louis the XVI’s mother, Marie took a liking to her. The Queen, Marie, said she had never seen a more beautiful child with golden hair and sapphire eyes. Ethel said she knew how to calm the Queen’s angst. I wished Ethel much love and peace and she responded; from one beautiful soul to another, Nameste.