Time on a body.

Hidden Truth


Time, the essence of our world. It is useful, is it not? To see time on a body lends perspective.


It is an opportunity to evaluate, too much or too little. Those thoughts lead us down the path of self reflection. Human or animal, trees, plants, seasons, all have cycles.

Cycles of ebbs and flows. Cycles of birth and death. Cycles of want and need.

Cycles of questioning. Cycles of realization.


Cycles bring growth. Good or bad, easy or hard. These are yours to evaluate. Everything is useful, nothing is of waste.


Envelop those experiences, the ones that challenge you. Embrace them. Show them compassion. Show them love. See what enfolds.


This path taken leads to new discoveries of yourself, hidden truths, long forgotten. This journey, your journey, is to find those truths. The truths that lead to joy, purpose and divine fulfillment.

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