Who made God? ‘An elemental question. Dust. Remember the age old saying, dust to dust? I come from God and return to God? Dust. So, what is it that created this dust, let’s go on a jaunt.’
Good morning Albert. ‘A good morning it is! We will begin our lesson today with the void. The void is not nothing for there was a force surrounding this space.’
Were the Sun and Moon already created at this time? ‘Yes, Father Moon, Mother Sun. The light and dark create matter. This ever so tiny matter builds to a speck of dust many times over, each one clinging to the next. Keep in mind, there is always movement. The void moves, the dust moves, the Sun, the Moon, all alive with movement. This movement combined with the building momentum start to create friction.’
What is friction? ‘Friction is energy, vibration, frequency. The energy itself is shall we say, shelf stable. This equation always stays the same. The variables are vibration and frequency. The faster the vibration, the higher the frequency. The slower the vibration, the lower the frequency. Still with me?’
How does this create God? ‘Hold on, hold on. (Albert laughs.) Rome was not built in a day! This building matter accumulates mass. Mass is the sum of all matter. The building blocks of all there is. No yawning.’ (I was yawning!) ‘I know, boring and overwhelming to some, fascinating and captivating to others. Stay with me here. Now we enter into critical mass. Critical mass is the matter that has built up in size and is infused with energy. It is like the smoldering fire that finally catches and starts to blaze. This is the time we call creation, the God Spark. This process of creation repeats itself over and over again.’
How does this form gain consciousness? ‘The Sun has consciousness, so to does the Moon. This consciousness was in the void itself. This consciousness grew and evolved with the matter. The God Spark gave this energetic mass direction and purpose. This purpose was creation. It is a lonely existence when you are the only child on the playground.’
Is this God the one and only God or is this the one God of our particular universe? ‘This is your God of your universe.’
How many other universes are there? ‘Many, many others.’
Do they all have their own Sun and Moon? ‘They do.’
Are we all connected to these other universes? ‘Yes.’
How does this work? ‘We are all governed through the Galactic Federation. Each universe is given its own Galactic Counsel.’
Albert, this is overwhelming for sure. What did God create once he was formed? ‘Essence. This essence is the life force. This essence is the fabric of our universe.’
I’ll be right back Albert. Coffee. I need a coffee for this.
Albert. What does the name God mean? ‘Governor of Destiny.’
OK, what happened next, after he created the essence? ‘He created your solar system. He created every star, every planet.’
Who created the mythological gods? ‘God.’
All of the mythological creatures? ‘God.’
Do we also descend from these mythological gods? ‘Yes. These gods were created in Gods own image but have an entirely different embodiment. These are his children.’
Who created Earth and all of the plants, insects, animals? ‘All of his children, it was their playground. They gave themselves authority over what intrigued them the most.’
What would you like to add Albert? ‘This creation was quite simple. A thought became reality.’
That’s quite a bit to take in. I’ll take my leave for today. This will take time to sink in. Thank you Albert, I appreciate you and enjoy our time together. ‘Yes my dear, I get this response more than you know! (He laughs, his eyes twinkling.) I’m here for the asking, anytime. (Albert smiles.)
Channeled message from Albert Einstein.