Large, small. Seen, unseen. Many, few. Plentiful, scarce. Empty, full. Pleasant, unpleasant. Valuable in all. Every experience is useful. Every experience is an opportunity. Every experience is a gift. Look upon these gifts with fresh eyes, with an open heart. Receive what is offered.
How is this meant to be a gift when there are times of sadness and heartache? Stagnant pools serve only to pollute. To be alive in body is to feel. This pain when deeply felt allows new growth, new discoveries of oneself. For without pain there is no growth.
Many gifts are quite pleasurable. Love and friendship among those. The perfect day that shines because of the days that are not so. A life in contrast is a gift to be cherished.
Now is your time to freely accept the gifts you are given. You have earned these gifts. You are worthy of these gifts. You are a gift. Our gift.