Every moment is fluid. Every breath is movement. Every decision moves you in a direction of consequence. Cause-and-effect. Movement. Fluidity. Does the water stop flowing when confronted by boulders or does the water simply choose to go around this blockage? Simply allowing this fluidity the path of least resistance enables a continual flow.
So too should your heart remain fluid. Let love flow freely to and from your heart. Are tall, heavy walls breaking this flow? Knock them down, remove the debris. Allow love to freely flow once again. Purified and filtered as this love flows over the rubble, this new, fresh flow is yours. Allow yourself to settle into this ease of give-and-take.
Is the universe fluid? Yes. As infinite and powerful as any Great Falls that you can begin to fathom.
Are the waves in the universe to be ridden? Yes. Ride the wave, catch the wave. All true statements, all energetic forces of positive, high vibrational energy. It is palpable. I’m sure you remember a time when you buzzed with excitement, or just felt so happy for no reason at all.
Those waves seem to have highs and lows. Why? Would those highs not feel so wonderful if it were not for those lows?
No, probably not.
Change is fluid. Always changing, ever evolving, this is why you are here. Learn, love, grow, expand. Go with the flow or fight the current, this is yours to choose.
A conversation with Charles and Margaret.