Expectations of Realization

You must know by now that your expectations are not met equally by most others you meet. Why this disparity? This discourse? How hard is it?


This contrast is more useful to you than you recognize. When you find others equally matched to your resolve, you value this. You build relationships on this shared ideal.


To know the measure of a man is priceless. Allow for their own limitations. Their journey, their life is their own.


Stand tall in your own character. Stand tall in the knowledge of, what I say is what I do. Be the man that honors his word. The man that says and does what is called for.


When you lead with integrity, nerve and grit there will be disappointment. Not all are created equal in this aspect. Some will rise but others are comfortable in their complacency.


This my friend is what makes you stand out. This is your light to shine. Embrace this for it will serve you well. Fortitude, courage, strength of conviction. These are not easy to come by. When you have these in your possession, do all you can to honor them.




Channeled message from Abraham Lincoln.

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