
Convoluted as it may be, light and love. Light and love above all. For without there is only the empty, the dark. Is there already not enough conceived pain? Pain that is carried like a torch, a badge.


Carried for so long, this pain wraps its long tentacles around every organ in your body. Squeezing, weighing down, limiting mobility. For what purpose? What is it that you are gaining? Is it to distance yourself, protect yourself from more pain? This does not serve you. This is not living in light, in love.


Let this pain go. Thank this pain for the opportunity to learn and grow. Appreciate the contrast, appreciate the lessons learned. Appreciate each day you are given. Breathe anew. Set your eyes upon new sights, new discoveries.


What have you missed in this time of reclusion? Did the birds not sing for you or did you just not take the time to notice? Did the sunrise and sunset not give beauty to gaze upon or did you just not notice? Did the water fail to flow? No. These have always been there for you.


Begin anew. Breathe in fresh air. Allow the sun the opportunity to set upon your face. Feel the earth under your feet. See the ant in the bark. Listen to the stories the birds tell. Reset and recharge. Value your experiences. Keep what is useful, let the rest fall away.


This is growth. This is acceptance. This is life. Breathe in the new. Breathe out the old. Reset and recharge. Love heals. Light heals. Connection heals. What is of this life but to experience the many aspects of emotion, to understand and grow. To expand our souls consciousness is the why. Many souls are not given such an opportunity.

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