Stuck. Stagnant. Unmoving. Why, what is holding you back? What are you afraid of, what feelings are coming to the surface? Judgment, shame, unworthiness, fear, loathing? Is this a learned narrative you have deeply embedded, allowed residence? Does this narrative still resonate within you? How does this narrative make you feel?
Hold onto this if it is true for you. That is your right, your choice. If it is clear to you that it is time to set aside the old thought patterns, time to break free, do so.
Your life is yours. Take ownership of what you believe to be true. Know what you know. Know who you are.
The fear, the shame, whatever it is you have or are struggling with is useful. The contrast is clear. These negative emotions are just that, low vibration, low energy. We don’t like it for a reason. This uncomfortableness is there to push us into growth, soul evolution, expansion.
If you are holding onto these for another’s benefit, ask yourself why. Are they pushing their own feelings of lack and unworthiness onto you? What if, by you taking action and ownership of how you feel, you set the example. You change the tone. You raise the vibration, the energy.
When you let go of the heavy, the no longer useful ways, you begin to bloom. In this blooming there is joy, lightness in spirit and well-being. Others are able to see and feel this transformation. How exquisite, how wonderful it is to stand on what you know to be true.
Clear contrast. Clear vision, Clear choice. All yours to decide upon. It is freeing to be in concert to what is true for you.
Channeled message from The Council of Women.