Universal Wisdom

Sound Conversation.

Sound Conversation

What is sound? Sound is the very essence of our being, for without there is nothing. Plants without sound could not burst into new life. Sound is expansion from the I Am. The very origin of creation.   When was the origin of creation? Time is inconsequential. It does not exist. All is a continuum. All […]

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Universal Wisdom, ,


To live together in peace and harmony is to coexist with cohesion, unity. Why is this important? Unity gives way to purpose, lifts the spirit. Seems difficult with so much division in our world today. The difficulty is the not seeing, the not valued amongst you. Show the way, include the excluded.   What if

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We the People

We the people. We the people. We the people.   Rise up to your full potential. Live a life of living. Encapsulate adventures of doing, seeing, loving. Seek the unfamiliar.   Draw from your courage of heart. Face all fears head on. You will find them smaller than expected.   Be open to receiving the

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The path to forgiveness for some is easy. For some it is a perilous journey filled with twists and turns; jagged edges. Thick, sharp thorns. Some wounds of the heart land deep. Take up residence. These wounds become part of ones identity. They become an odd attachment that weighs heavy, gives a false sense of

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Ashes to Ashes

One foot long sub sandwich, cut in half. Each half wrapped seperately.   Burned flower petals. The ashes are all the same.   Death, cemetery, headstone. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.   Oneness.   As it is, it shall always be. Connected oneness. It is quite simple but many fail to see, choose not

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