Universal Wisdom

Love in Anguish

There is no disguise for profound loss of love. It threatens to crumble even the strongest of foundations. Memory loss would surely remedy this but what then? Live a life of the non-feeling, the disconnected? A life of meaningless diatribe, why bother at all. What is the point of this endless druther?   Oh, but […]

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Broken Egg Shells

Vulnerability, access to what lies within. Raw exposure, sometimes painful, herein lies the beauty. Those cracks in the hard, outer shell allow light to penetrate even the darkest of abysses. Lifting the heaviest of those burdens that we carry.   Do not use hurt as a shield. This hurt is meant to push you towards

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Universal Wisdom, ,


The taking in, the letting go. The good, the bad. The sour, the sweet. The balanced, the unbalanced. Take in what most serves you. Let go of what does not.   Breathe   Live in balance. Live in simplicity. Live in appreciation. Live in gratitude.   Breathe   Create. Explore. Give yourself room to wander.

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Universal Wisdom, ,


Large, small. Seen, unseen. Many, few. Plentiful, scarce. Empty, full. Pleasant, unpleasant. Valuable in all. Every experience is useful. Every experience is an opportunity. Every experience is a gift. Look upon these gifts with fresh eyes, with an open heart. Receive what is offered.   How is this meant to be a gift when there are times of

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Universal Wisdom, ,