Universal Wisdom

You are the Baby

You are the infant. You are the one in need of care, love, nourishment. You need swaddling, comfort, safety. You have always required this love and compassion but was it given to you? Maybe so, maybe not.   Right here. Right now. You are in the drivers seat. You decide, you choose. Are you worthy […]

You are the Baby Read More »

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Monumental Moments

To some these moments are of overwhelm. To others, these moments become the pillars of their being. This is ones own right. All are free as to the how they shall look up on these gifts. To cherish and embrace or to shun, push aside and devalue such gifts is your choice.   Why choose

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Message from Michael

Heart, mind, body and soul. Surround these in love. Surround with united connection for one is not one without the other. Unity. Not division. Divided we fall. You have heard this before. This is a verifiable truth. Divided we fall.   Outside influences all fight to take away our sovereignty. This at times is not

Message from Michael Read More »

Universal Wisdom, ,


The colors surround, envelop us, yet we do not always see them. Eyes veiled in too many distractions fail to see what is clearly present. The flush of ones cheeks at an unexpected compliment. The backdrop of a setting sun. The emergence of spring after laying dormant.   Quiet your mind. Allow yourself the freedom

Rainbows Read More »

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