Universal Wisdom


To be free in purpose, to be allowing of all that is good, to flow through you into manifestation is the life force. The birthing of new realities, new paths, new experiences.   Freedom to lose the life limits we put on ourselves. The limits ingrained no longer apply. Find your joy, your all that […]

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Universal Wisdom, ,


Be it physical or spiritual is the transformation into personal growth. Shedding the outer layers of beliefs, habits, customs that no longer resonate with you.   This is a task, that once taken is a great release and relief. You are here to experience the hard asks, the self exploration.   The breakdowns and build

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Universal Wisdom, ,


The power of connection is unity. Consolidation of the I’s into the we’s, into the us’s. There are none amongst us that does not benefit from this union. Set the intention. Open yourself to new experiences. Use your yeses more than your no’s.   Step away from the comfort that isolates you. Embrace the experiences,

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Peaceful Resonance

A powerful force within. This sleeping, dormant attribute lies in wait, hidden in seclusion. Waiting. Wanting to be discovered, uncovered, waiting. Are you ready yet? Are you ready to lay claim to your power within? This power of peace, internal peace. Resonance. Resonate peace is attainable, it is the true nature of yourself. The self.

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Time Bandit

All time is relative in motion. Forward, backwards, sideways, no matter. What feels to be taken from you is also given to you. Oxymoronic, I know. None the less true.   This concept of time was created to make sense of the aging body, put a label on a quandary. Once alerted to this obstacle

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Universal Wisdom, , ,