Universal Wisdom


Give and take. Ebb and flow. Balance. Equanimity. A healthy relationship is reciprocal. This partnership when in balance creates harmony and peace, love and respect. When out of balance this creates resentment, anger, frustration. The more the takers take and the giver gives the higher the wall becomes. These walls create weight and heaviness that

Reciprocity Read More »

Universal Wisdom, ,

Why not Today

Today is here. Today is the present. Front and center. Top of the page. First in line. Geared up and ready to go. What is holding you back? Why is it always tomorrow? Your today is unfulfilled when always put on hold for another day.   Why is tomorrow better than today? I will tell

Why not Today Read More »

Uncategorized, Universal Wisdom, ,


The spark of the divine. Remember the Creation of Adam painting? God gave the spark of life to Adam, the beginning of everything to come to Adam. This spark of knowing, this encrypted knowledge, this DNA thread to begin his line of ancestry.   Our universe wanting to learn and grow, expands, pushes itself outward.

Lifeforce Read More »

Universal Wisdom, ,