Universal Wisdom

Don’t call me Sir; Chris Farley.

Regret, pattern, betrayed myself. Routine, habit, typical. ‘Ya, well, you know, that’s just it. That’s why we use. Why we need to escape. Everyone loves you for what you can give them. They want you when you’re in the spot light. Oh look. There’s a camera, ya, I’m with him. It’s just disgusting. What’s even […]

Don’t call me Sir; Chris Farley. Read More »

Universal Wisdom, , , , ,

The Power Within

Weak, no. Powerful, yes. Own it. Do not succumb to those doubts. The doubts are of the mind, the silly, flippant, waverly amoeba of distraction!   You have an inner compass. Use it. This compass is direct, precise in direction and will not lead you into the thorns.   Discretion. Stop. Take notice. Feel your

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Universal Wisdom, , ,

I come from Nothing; Shoeless Joe.

‘I come from nothing, the rags to riches story, it is simply untrue. How could we be nothing if we are created in gods own image. We are light, we are energy, we are movement, creation itself. Such disparity, polarity has always been built into our architecture. This is our divine blueprint, the directions on

I come from Nothing; Shoeless Joe. Read More »

Universal Wisdom, , ,

Here for the Taking

Take it. It is yours. It has always been yours. There is no need to ask for permission. Do you have to ask for the water? The air?   Take your place. Your rightful place. You are second to none. Your spark is as everyone else’s. Why would you not claim this light? Why hold

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Universal Wisdom, , ,

Janis Joplin

Janis, You look so happy in your pictures but there seems to be an undercurrent of sadness. Is there anything you would like to share? ‘I should have had more time.’   You died so young. Twenty seven, and so much to live for. What happened? ‘I was high as a mother fucker, that’s what

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Universal Wisdom, , ,


Every perceived wrong or right is a lesson in perception. What lays behind, over and underneath one’s actions? There are simple, straightforward ones then there are those that are layered. Pure intentionality is easy to recognize. This is at times the eye for an eye. Or, perhaps a kindness was extended to you so you

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Universal Wisdom, , ,