Burden of Pain

Be it Physical or mental. Pain burdens ones mind, often takes up residency. This pain is useful to explore. Is this pain temporary? Is it somehow useful to spawn ones journey of self realization?


Temporary wounds heal themselves. Wounds of the heart are another matter. How do you heal the loss of a loved one? Through remembrance, the path of peace is for some to forgive. For some it is a knowing. A knowing that we are all eternal beings. A knowing that love lives on.


How do you heal fear from trauma? Look within. Take what is useful. Is this an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge of self? What is this fear trying to convey? What is its purpose?


If action is required, act. If self-care is required, care. If acceptance is required, accept. If release is required, let go. How do we heal chronic pain? Go to the source. Ground yourself. Nature and nurture. Let foods be thy medicine. Breath. Eat alive foods. Ignite lost passions, reconnect to all that you are. Love yourself above all else.

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