Vulnerability, access to what lies within. Raw exposure, sometimes painful, herein lies the beauty. Those cracks in the hard, outer shell allow light to penetrate even the darkest of abysses. Lifting the heaviest of those burdens that we carry.
Do not use hurt as a shield. This hurt is meant to push you towards spiritual growth. This hurt expands your knowledge of yourself and is to be embraced, loved into healing. These experiences are what allow you to connect with others on deeper levels of love and understanding. These heartbreaks are often what joins one together with even greater and deeper love relationships.
Do not fear the cracks in your armor. If you keep choosing to trust the wrong people ask yourself, ‘What is it that I am gleaming from these experiences? What is it that I am not seeing?’ These are opportunities to look within. Opportunities to realize that you are a powerful creator. Do you keep creating strife and hardship to devalue yourself or do you stand in your power and create the life you were designed to live? The choice is and always has been yours.
All experiences are useful, nothing is of waste. Step outside of the hurt, give this hurt space to breathe. Look upon this hurt objectively. Learn from this hurt, grow through this hurt. Let these experiences mold you into the person you strive to be.
You are here to learn, to grow. Expand your awareness through your experiences. Be light in heart. Know that you will only benefit from the all of these griefs.