Christine Pilgrim

Ties that Bind

These ties that bind can never be broken. For these ties are forged in steel from the hottest of fires. Welded together to form a seamless bond. This is the way of it, the way it works.    Our connection is love. This unending orbit of growth and understanding is yours and mine. Doesn’t this […]

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Universal Wisdom, ,

The shifting heart runneth Over

There is nothing more powerful than love. Hatred, fear, loathing when given the chance, cower before love. This divine essence that is embedded in your DNA. This powerful, deeply entrenched emotion that can bring euphoria at once then bring one to their knees in the very next breath. Such power is this love. Honor, cherish

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Universal Wisdom, , ,


Aggravation. Who is responsible for this thorn this time? Too many to count? Why so short tempered, how does this serve you? It doesn’t.    You are the thorn. What perceived injustices are you holding onto? Do these abrasions bring you peace? No, no they don’t.   Surrender into the knowledge that you are not

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Universal Wisdom, , ,

By Choice

Choices, so many to choose from. One gets overwhelmed from time to time when given too many options. These options present themselves in many areas of our lives. Curtains, hundreds and thousands of them to choose from. Shoes, well you know that one!   Everything from the simply mundane to the complex, life changing choices

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

Questions of the Universe

Are we alone in the universe? One is never alone. Has never been alone. The universe is the same. The tiny, minute scope of what you see is but a period at the end of your sentence. There are many planets, many stations, many lives all existing, every expanding simultaneously.   Is there something bigger

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Universal Wisdom, , ,