Christine Pilgrim

The Ayes have It.

‘Mounting the unmountable. Surpassing the unsurpassed. When thoughts become words, when words are spoken aloud, when those words are laid to paper, change begins. One’s thoughts are not always meant to be theirs alone. There are often God given inclinations that are meant to be acted upon. Some thoughts pass through like the clouds in […]

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

The Grassy Knoll

Sonny, last name starts with an A, sharpshooter, assassin of JFK, where were you when you shot the President? ‘It is known where I was.’   The grassy knoll then? ‘Yes.’   What is your last name? ‘Anatoli.’   Who hired You? ‘I basically worked for the mob but moonlighted on the side.’   Who

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Universal Wisdom, , ,

Lee Harvey Oswald

Why did you shoot JFK? (No answer.)   ‘I am here.’   When did you decide to assassinate President Kennedy? (No answer.)   What pushed you towards this? ‘I was a member of a secret society and the only one with enough balls to put action to the words.’   What was this group called?

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

Separate, but of the Whole.

You are part of a magnificent manuscript, interwoven throughout all of time. Your connection is divine and resolute. You are birthed into new realities to learn, experience and grow your soul. This is soul evolution.   Each new reality retains imprints from all of your souljournes. Layer after layer you build upon your vessel, this

Separate, but of the Whole. Read More »

Universal Wisdom, , , ,


Stuck. Stagnant. Unmoving.  Why, what is holding you back? What are you afraid of, what feelings are coming to the surface? Judgment, shame, unworthiness, fear, loathing? Is this a learned narrative you have deeply embedded, allowed residence? Does this narrative still resonate within you? How does this narrative make you feel?   Hold onto this

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Universal Wisdom, , ,