Christine Pilgrim

The Answer

What is love? This age old question. Love is ethereal. This ether can penetrate the thickest of barriers. This ether has the ability to uplift and make one feel as light as air. This ether also has the capability of grounding your very core of being into the Earth.   The diamond that has been […]

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Uncategorized, Universal Wisdom, , ,


Brushing over the hard parts, rushing past. This may serve you for a time. Alas, those are what hold the most value.   Challenges interrupted, not taken only lie in wait. You are meant to wade through these obstacles, learn what needs learned. This is how you grow emotionally, spiritually.   Before you were born,

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,


Trapped in endless cycles, can’t get out of the revolving door? Press the emergency stop button. That is what it is there for. Use it. Press it. Get out of the endless circling, debating. Press the button already.   This looping has become a strange, familiar friend and foe to you. The spoiled child that

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Universal Wisdom, , ,


Good Morning! ‘A good morning it is!’   What do I need to know today Thomas? ‘Pivoting. Changing your point of view, a new perspective. Don’t get bogged down in the details, it either works or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, change course. Why waste time and energy with endless debate?’   ‘Life is fluid,

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

Splice and Dice

My dearest Albert, good morning. ‘A good morning it is.’    May we continue our conversation on time travel please. ‘Most certainly.’   When one time travels from here, our dimension, our time, does their physical body travel? ‘No, there is no need. The density would not allow this at any rate. We call it

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Universal Wisdom, , , , ,