Christine Pilgrim

The Grand Life

Ever so secure. Emboldened. When you reach this pinnacle there will always be those in opposition. What to do? Keep yourself small to appease the masses? Remain the soldier ant, the worker bee? If that is what you desire, stay. Stay right where you are.   If you are not content with where you are […]

The Grand Life Read More »

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Albert, a couple of questions please. If I expect my car to break down and cost me large amounts of money, am I attracting the energy towards that result? ‘Causality.’   Ah! Was wondering when this lesson would come, carry on please. ‘Expectations. Positive or negative have equal value.’   How? These are just thoughts.

Causality Read More »

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Charles de Gaulle, I have a Question.

You had an attempted assassination six months before JFK. Who was responsible for this? ‘The French Gestapo, drug cartel.’   Why did they want to kill you? ‘Power, money. I could not be bought and controlled. I did not look the other way.’   Would you have made the same decision given the chance? ‘I

Charles de Gaulle, I have a Question. Read More »

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We are but Children

You long for the hand to hold. The guiding hand on your back. The innocence, the trust. Love and acceptance.   We are still here for you child. We have always been here. We have watched you grow. We have seen your joys, your sorrows. We have seen your struggles, your triumphs. We see you.

We are but Children Read More »

Universal Wisdom, , ,

Bring on the Blessings

Bring on the blessings. Bring the flow. Bring me abundance. Bring me peace, tranquility. Bring me back to me. The me that smiled. The me that laughed. Me. I’ve missed you.   The lights set low. The solitude. The numbness. The retreat. All have served a purpose. It is but a season. As seasons do,

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

The Heart Remembers Why

Brain, heart cohesion. Of the same mind. Don’t see it? Don’t understand? There is a reason you cannot see clearly. Your mind has taken over your heart.   This bossy, overbearing mind is pushy and hard to control. Remember Nellie on Little House on the Prairie or Veruka on Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

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