Christine Pilgrim

Make Room

Overcrowded, chaotic disorganization, overwhelmed. You are not alone in this struggle. Whether it be of the mind, your surroundings or both. Stop the merry-go-round you are on. Step off. Let your head and body settle themselves.   If this is not what you desire, then it is time to change. Allow a new season to […]

Make Room Read More »

Universal Wisdom, , ,


Nostradamus, may I please inquire? (I see a tapestry robe with his favorite scenes throughout history. Past, present, future.)   What is so special about this robe? ‘Conductivety.’   Of what? ‘Elements, metals, stones, threads of connective energies.’   What gifts did you possess? ‘All Claires. Sight, sound, feeling, smelling.’   How could you predict

Nostadamus Read More »

Universal Wisdom, , , ,

Dr. John G. Trump

Your nephew just survived an attempted assassination. Do you have any thoughts you would like to share? ‘I do.’   I must say, I had no idea the scope of your genius. Electrical Engineer, Inventor and a Physicist, well done. ‘Thank you. I was quite passionate about my work. I know of every detail when

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Universal Wisdom, , , ,

Abe, I have a question.

A friend of mine researched and wrote a paper on your life and career that tarnished his opinion of you. I would like to give you the opportunity to be heard. ‘All that he wrote on was truth. However, not all truths are black and white. I have high esteem for another’s opinion when merited.

Abe, I have a question. Read More »

Uncategorized, Universal Wisdom, , ,

God, an elemental Question.

Who made God? ‘An elemental question. Dust. Remember the age old saying, dust to dust? I come from God and return to God? Dust. So, what is it that created this dust, let’s go on a jaunt.’   Good morning Albert. ‘A good morning it is! We will begin our lesson today with the void.

God, an elemental Question. Read More »

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