Christine Pilgrim

Love in Spades

We play the cards we are dealt in this life. Not all cards can be high cards nor should they be. We play with a full deck. Highs and lows. Moments of greatness, wows and you have to be kiddings all in the same powerful, illuminating deck.   There is always another card, another game. […]

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Universal Wisdom, ,


Fractals of oneself. All as one form a beautiful collage. One piece missing takes away from the whole. Every facet, every character is a necessary link.   Pieces evolve and begin to come to your understanding. They suddenly fit more readily. All expressions of the same one. One in the same. All one within itself.

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Self Awareness

What rings true for you? Self-awareness. To know thyself. To sit in self. To find and know your purpose. Realize the greatest good of your being, the all that is truly you.   Use your instincts. Trust yourself. When one has to convince themselves of something, they know it feels off. Those feelings of doubt

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Universal Wisdom,