Christine Pilgrim


The spark of the divine. Remember the Creation of Adam painting? God gave the spark of life to Adam, the beginning of everything to come to Adam. This spark of knowing, this encrypted knowledge, this DNA thread to begin his line of ancestry.   Our universe wanting to learn and grow, expands, pushes itself outward. […]

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Universal Wisdom, ,


Every moment is fluid. Every breath is movement. Every decision moves you in a direction of consequence. Cause-and-effect. Movement. Fluidity. Does the water stop flowing when confronted by boulders or does the water simply choose to go around this blockage? Simply allowing this fluidity the path of least resistance enables a continual flow.   So

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Locked and Loaded

Preparation’s are made today for foreseeable future. The what ifs a powerful motivator. Fine, prepare if you feel so compelled. Are you comfortable in this preparation or is fear your guiding force? There are times when fear is useful and times when it is not.   Fear is constriction, an unrelenting tightness that does not

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Universal Wisdom, ,

Perceived Perception

Perceived perception, the belief of what you allow yourself to see in validation of what you believe is truth. There are others that will share in these beliefs and still others that will not. What you see in truth for yourself is true. What does it matter if another has their own truth? Their life

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Universal Wisdom, ,

It is in the Details

The curve of your lovers back you know so well. The mischievous glint in your child’s eyes when they are about to upset the apple cart. The freckles, the smiles. Oh, the smiles! Forget about those dimples too!   All of the small intricacies that we know and love about those we choose to get

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Universal Wisdom, ,