A pay for a service. An allowing of something to happen, form, take shape. A relenting, giving in. A surrender. Allowance is a word of action.
For everything you do is an action. Even inaction is an action.
The absolute basic form of action is the breath you breathe, your beating heart circulating your blood. Your very cells in your body are alive with a vibrating, energetic force.
Everything in your universe that is you, yes, you hold a universe within you. All is in a propelled motion. Forward movement. You must care for this forward expression. It is when we offer an opposing force that there becomes an imbalance.
Holding onto the shallow breath. Revisiting the same scenarios of the mind over and over and over again. Allowing fear to guide, the feeling of unworthiness. Hatred, unforgiveness. This is the heaviness that blocks your system. What starts as a thin layer of dust can build to a thick, unpassable sludge. This sludge is dis ease. This sludge is stagnant, unmoving. This sludge is heavy, it does not feel good.
I know you have had the opportunity to feel the energy around someone like this. It’s as if a thin, darker air surrounds them. They are allowing this discord, this dis ease. Why? Why hold onto that when it is clearly not what your body and soul desires?
Where to begin? Start with your breath. Slower, deeper. Close your eyes. Give thanks for this life giving treasure. Forgive. Forgive yourself for the treachery you have allowed. The soul journey that was so much harder in physical form. Forgive. Start there. You will see the blockages begin to release, drain away. You will feel this burden begin to ease.
Live in allowance. Take the ease that this allowance affords.
Channeled message from Benjamin Franklin.