All are welcomed Here

Keep your hat on, take your hat off, it is of no matter. There is no dress code here. Come as you are. Come as you really are. There is no membership fee, no collection at the door. There are no applications to approve or deny, no tests to take. Your union dues have been paid in full, there is no expiration date.


You are in the honors club. A pleasure it is to have you here. Do not question this validation you have received. You have been vetted. Tried and true is your motto, your mantra. Own it, it’s yours. Sew the emblem on your jacket. Wear the jacket with pride. The jacket has meaning and purpose. This jacket brings comfort to you and those near you. This jacket of unity, love, healing and compassion, put it on.


All are welcome here. Come inside. Explore, take a tour. Guided or on your own does not matter. There are no rules here, no rights, no wrongs. Ease in, stay a while, it’s lovely here.


Allow your shallow breath the chance to deepen. Allow this breath to circle down and up inside your lungs, your loving, giving, supportive lungs. Breathe in, breathe out. It’s nice here. Peaceful. Such power in the simple act of acknowledging yourself in your breath. You are your breath. You are life itself, you belong here. You have always belonged here. You will always be welcomed here.


Channeled message from Uncle Tom, Thomas Jefferson.

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