Have you thought about it? Your lineage, your ancestors. The greats, greats and greats? Those that have come before you, those that hold your DNA. They have a responsibility to guide you and support you, an honor not taken lightly…
We are the cream that rises to the top. We have been chosen by your angels to assist you in this lifetime. Reach out, speak to us, ask for our help. Oh, how we love that connection, that purpose, the call to action. We delight in it and rejoice in the asking.
We are all connected, interwoven by a common thread. When you rise, we all rise. When you stumble, we all stumble. When you cry, we cry. When you learn, we all learn and when you find your joy we celebrate!
You are seen. You are loved more than you know. There has never been a greater honor than our service to you, a duty that we hold dear. When you close your eyes, when you see faces, we are with you. Your life is our life and our life is yours, when you rise we all rise.
Channeled ancestral message from John Galloway.