Freedom Fighter

Alonzo Noriega, what would you like to share about your life? ‘I fought against communist control and a government that would let its people die of starvation while the rich got richer.’


What country did you live in? ‘Nicaragua, it is by no accident that you will rarely if ever meet someone from my country. The oppression is generations thick.’


Did the US come to your aid? ‘Haphazardly.’


When? ‘The 1960s.’


JFK? ‘Yes.’


Is there anything else you wish to share on that? ‘The CIA is bullshit and not to be trusted.’


Still, today? ‘Still. Today.’


I feel your tears and sorrow. ‘I lost so many that I loved. Family, friends, my best friend. They take, take, take. I had nothing left, so now I take back what was rightfully ours. I have no peace and so many that do, do not appreciate what they have. Give them one day in my life and they will be changed forever.’


I’m sorry you’ve had so much loss. I’m sorry for your pain. I wish you love and yes, I wish you peace. A different kind of peace. Peaceful resolve. ‘That is all I can hope for.’




Channeled message from Alonzo Noriega, a Freedom Fighter against the Somoza Dynasty in Nicaragua 1936-1979. This story is all about money, power and corruption. Who had a hand in this? The US Government. After the Great Depression in the US in 1929, Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the “Good Neighbor Policy” to Latin American countries. The push to “Americanize” these countries was a huge economic windfall for the US. The US Government also owned the Nicaraguan Long Leaf Pine Company that directly paid the corrupt Nicaraguan Government millions for the benefit of profit. This allowed them to clear cut the trees without reforesting that let to soil erosion and dust storms causing peasant families to relocate into the rain forests. The US sent all of the US banned Pesticides to Nicaragua which led to more disease and malnutrition, polluting and killing lakes. Guess who was the largest beef supplier to the US, Yep, they are a huge coffee and cotton supplier too. Last but certainly not the least, the Contra. The US trained and financed the Contras, a counter-revolutionary group based in Honduras. Many of the Contras were groups of the Somoza National Guard. (The corrupt, in bed with the US, government.) They were organized, trained and funded by the CIA.

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