Step off the Struggle

It’s the division, your need to control a narrative. Stop it.


It is not your job to sway others into your way of thinking. Stop it.


Stop it. Let it go. Find relief in the lightened responsibility. Their life, their beliefs are their own, as are yours. Isn’t that what freedom is?


You have peace at your doorstep. Why do you not let it in? Why settle for the struggle. Have you taken on this persona from others, relatives, friends? Stop it. Stop it now.


Get outside. Get outside of your head. Look up. Look towards the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets. Do you think they care about the color of your skin, the way you vote, your sexual orientation, your beliefs. No. They are the consciousness of love and unity. This fabric has swaddled our earth for eons. Those stars shine for you. The sun rises for you.


Own this treasure, this peace. Love the skin you are in. Enjoy the days you are given. Stop grieving what has yet to come to pass. Shed the all-too-familiar habit of overthinking what is quite simple. Live and let live as they say and you will struggle no more.




Channeled message from Alonzo Noriega, a Freedom Fighter from Nicaragua.

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